We’re so excited to announce a new opportunity for Davidson College students this fall, the Scholars Toolkit Workshop Series. This collaborative initiative, hosted by the Library, the Center for Teaching and Learning, Technology and Innovation, the Associate Dean for Data and Computing, Academic Access and Disability Resources, and the Hurt Hub at Davidson, aims to help students develop essential academic skills, such as citation management and study strategies, needed to succeed at Davidson College.
This semester, we will offer 20 in-person workshops and one asynchronous online workshop. All in-person workshops will be recorded and uploaded to our landing page the following day for students who cannot attend either of the two dates offered. Registration is required for in-person attendance. Students may register for individual workshops at https://davidson.libcal.com/calendar/events.
To help support this new initiative, we ask that Davidson faculty consider:
- Including the workshop dates and titles in course syllabi
- Encourage students to attend or view the recordings
- Integrate these workshops into your course assignments or offering extra credit for attendance
Please e-mail coursesupport@davidson.edu with any questions!
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