In other “new faces” news, Jacob Heil will be joining the team as our new assistant director of digital learning this June. Jacob arrives to Davidson from the College of Wooster, where he most recently directed the Collaborative Research Environment for innovative pedagogies and mentored research, established a Digital Studio program at Wooster, and served as project manager for the Five Colleges of Ohio Libraries. He is the founding stakeholder of the Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship (ILiADS), where he worked to establish a team-based model of digital scholarship support at a large-scale. He has taught intro to Digital Humanities since 2017. In addition he has led the CODEX summer institute – a week-long resident workshop during which teams design or redesign courses that includes open pedagogical practices. He brings a complementary skill set to our library including experience with video production, text processing techniques, programming, R, digital humanities databases, and more.
At Davidson, Jacob will lead the Digital Learning team in providing direct support for technology-enabled pedagogies, digital scholarship methodologies and tools, as well as in designing and implementing instructional design methods and programs. As a member of the library leadership team, he will work with campus partners to advance the integration of new and emerging technologies in teaching, learning, and scholarship at Davidson College, and be a key partner in shaping and implementing strategies to support our library of the future.
Welcome to the team, Jacob!